Who Knew the Food was THIS GOOD in Buenos Aires?!

No, I’m obviously not talking about the steak. While steak remains a big part of Argentine culture - and my pescatarianism did jokingly get called a “food disability” by our BnB host - Buenos Aires’ food is super diverse and freaking outstanding. We just couldn’t miss with our meals.

Foods to Try that are NOT Steak

  1. Faina

  2. Alfajores

  3. Malbec

  4. Empanadas

  5. Olive Oil (seriously!)

  6. Vermut (Vermouth) at a local Vermuteria

Our Favorite Food Spots

  1. La Mar - what, you booked every single dinner in Buenos Aires already? CANCEL AT LEAST ONE AND GO TO LA MAR. I swear, this is on my list of best meals OF ALL TIME. Chef’s kiss. A thousand chef’s kisses. It’s Peruvian and definitely seafood focused, though they do have meat dishes that we obviously didn’t try. In case you need prodding from someone other than me, your favorite internet rando, I realized upon googling it to link y’all that it’s rated #87 on the list of Latin America’s Best Restaurants. YOU MUST GO!

  2. Aldos Restaurante -

  3. Gran Dabbang

  4. Hierbabuena

  5. Cucina Paradiso Palermo

Drink Spots

  1. La Fuerza - a local Vermuteria that makes all their own vermouth! You can buy a bottle and they’ll give you some sparkling water to pair it with for spritz after spritz. Or you can grab one of their vermouth based cocktails - delicious!

  2. Trova Wine Bar

  3. TERRA Specialty Coffee


A Tale of Two Ecological Reserves


The Markets of Buenos Aires